Cancellation Policy for Full-time Programs (Full Year & Term-by-Term)
- In the event that a student is declined admission, any tuition fees paid will be refunded
- If you submit a Full-Time application prior to completing the campus interview and receiving acceptance, your deposit will be held until the Admissions Process is completed and the student has been formally accepted to Blyth Academy
- The one-time application fee is non-refundable under any circumstance
- Upon acceptance, tuition fees are non-refundable
- In the event that a student/parents are not forthcoming with information which could negatively impact the performance of the student or their peers, Blyth Academy reserves the right to dismiss the student from the school without refund
- In the event a student is suspended, expelled, or otherwise required to leave Blyth for any reason, all fees paid to Blyth are strictly non-refundable, no exceptions
- An NSF fee of $50 will be applied to all cheques processed with insufficient funds
- Credit notes are non-transferable between students, valid for 12 months from issue date, and are applicable to all Blyth Academy programs
- Items not included in tuition fees: textbooks and school supplies, materials fee, field trips (not associated with the Learning to Learn (Foundations) or partnership programs), science lab fee, special events (i.e. prom or graduation ceremonies), partnership course fees
Additional Terms and Conditions for International Applications
An international student is defined as any student who does not hold Canadian citizenship, permanent residency or refugee status, regardless of where they are physically living.
- In order to receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from Blyth Academy, students must submit current transcripts (translated), a copy of their passport, and $2,500 tuition deposit
- Failure to provide the above documents and deposit will result in an application being declined
- International student fees are due in full before June 1st for students attending Term 1 (September), or at the time of enrolment, whichever comes first
- International student fees for students attending subsequent terms are due in full 20 days prior to the start of the first term attended by the student
- International students will be refunded 100% of their tuition if their Study Permit is declined with the following caveat: families must complete a request for refund form and attach proof of refusal and forward both to Blyth Admissions within 15 working days from the day stated on their Letter of Refusal
- Tuition fees are otherwise non-refundable
- Valid medical insurance is a mandatory requirement for International students attending Blyth Academy. Applicants will be automatically invoiced for Blyth-offered medical insurance unless proof of coverage accompanies their application
Missed Installment Payments:
Families will be given 72 business hours to resolve a missed installment payment. If payment is not resolved, the student will be considered in default and the Campus notified to restrict attendance until payment is made.
Cancellation Policy for Night School, Summer School, Private Courses, Semi-Private Courses, Private Repeat Courses & Blyth Academy Online Courses
- Students must submit proof of pre-requisite for course(s) upon registration. No credit will be issued where the student fails to submit or has not completed the required prerequisite, or equivalent.
- Blyth Academy will refund 100% of the tuition fees paid in the event that we are not able to offer an advertised course
- In the event a student is suspended, expelled, or otherwise required to leave Blyth Academy for any reason, all fees paid to Blyth are strictly non-refundable, no exceptions
- Discounts and promotions cannot be combined under any circumstance or applied retroactively.
- An NSF fee of $50 will be applied to all cheques processed with insufficient funds.
- Late payments will be assessed a $50 surcharge for failure to pay by the date(s) specified on all invoices.
- Credit notes are non-transferable between students, valid for 12 months from issue date, and are applicable to all Blyth Academy programs.
- Items not included in tuition fees: textbooks and school supplies, materials fee, field trips, science lab fee, special events (i.e. prom or graduation ceremonies), partnership course fees
- Blyth Academy Online
- Fees are due in full prior to course start and are non-refundable.
- Courses may be transferred for the same student to another online course prior to course start for an administrative fee of $150.00.
- Night School & Summer School
- Course offerings vary by school and some schools do not offer all courses. All dates and times are subject to change. Blyth Academy reserves the right to cancel courses at any time, for lack of sufficient enrolment. In the event a course is withdrawn, students will have priority access to another course or will receive a full refund.
- Tuition fees for night school & summer courses are fully refundable up until 90 days prior to the commencement of the course
- Between 89-46 days prior to the commencement of the course, a credit note for 100% of the value of the course will be issued
- Within 45 days of the commencement of the course, there will be no refunds or credit notes issued
- Private, Semi-Private, and Private Repeat Courses
- All Private, Semi-Private, and Private Repeat Course fees require a 50% deposit upon registration; the balance is due in full once a teacher has been found. Private, repeat and semi-private courses are not guaranteed and can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months to staff
- In the event a Private, Semi-Private, and Private Repeat Course cannot be staffed, the 50% deposit paid will be refunded in full.
Tuition Cancellation Insurance:
Tuition Cancellation Insurance serves to protect families who anticipate that their child(ren) may not be able to complete a full academic year of study either due to illness or family relocation. Without this insurance, refunds will not be provided, as per our Terms and Conditions. Families whose child(ren) have a history of physical or mental health issues are strongly encouraged to purchase this insurance.
Tuition Cancellation Protection can be purchased at a cost of 5% of total tuition and must be paid at the time of enrolment. The unused tuition will be refunded should one of the following events occur:
- The student has a serious illness which will prevent them from returning to school within 6 months. In the case of a temporary illness of 6 months or less, the student may be granted a leave of absence from the school and apply the remaining tuition upon their return. Letter from the family doctor will be required.
- The family is forced to re-locate due to a job change within the same company. A letter from the employer will be required stating that the re-location will prevent the student from attending their current Blyth campus or any other campus due to distance.
(中譯) 布萊斯學院安大略所有校區的條款和條件
- 如果學生被拒絕錄取,則退還已支付的所有學費
- 如果您在完成校園面試和接受錄取之前提交了全日制申請,則您的押金將一直保留到入學流程完成且該學生已被布萊斯學院正式錄取為止
- 一次性申請費在任何情況下均不予退還
- 接受後,學費不予退還
- 如果學生/家長無法獲得可能會對學生或其同伴的表現產生負面影響的信息,布萊斯學院保留將學生退學的權利,且不予退款
- 如果學生因任何原因被停學,開除或以其他方式離開Blyth,向Blyth支付的所有費用均嚴格不予退還,無一例外
- 所有資金不足的支票將被收取$ 50的NSF費用
- 貸方票據在學生之間不可轉讓,有效期為自發行之日起12個月,並且適用於所有Blyth Academy課程
- 學費中不包括的項目:教科書和學校用品,材料費,實地考察(與學習(基金會)或合作夥伴計劃無關),科學實驗室費,特殊活動(即舞會或畢業典禮),合作夥伴課程費
- 為了獲得布萊斯學院的錄取通知書(LOA),學生必須提交最新成績單(翻譯本),護照副本和學費押金
- 不提供上述文件和押金將導致申請被拒絕
- 參加第一學期(9月)的學生或在入學時(以先到者為準),應在9月1日之前全額支付國際學生費用。
- 參加後續學期的學生的國際學生費用應在該學生參加的第一學期開始之前的整整20天之內支付
- 如果因以下原因而拒絕了學習許可,國際學生將獲得100%的學費退款:家庭必須填寫退款申請表,並附上拒絕證明,並在其註明的日期後的15個工作日內將兩者轉發給Blyth入學申請。拒絕信
- 學費不予退還
- 如果我們無法提供課程,Blyth Academy將退還已付學費的100%
- 如果學生因任何原因被停學,開除或以其他方式離開Blyth Academy,支付給Blyth的所有費用一律不予退還,無一例外
- 折扣和促銷在任何情況下都不能合併使用或追溯應用。
- 如果資金不足,所有支票將被收取$ 50的NSF費用。
- 如果未能在所有發票上指定的日期之前付款,則延遲付款將被加收$ 50的附加費。
- 貸方票據在學生之間不可轉讓,有效期為自發行之日起12個月,並且適用於所有Blyth Academy課程。
- 學費中不包括的項目:教科書和學校用品,材料費,實地考察,科學實驗室費,特殊活動(即舞會或畢業典禮),合夥課程費用
- 費用應在課程開始前全額支付,並且不予退還。
- 在開課之前,可以將同一位學生的課程轉移到另一個在線課程,但需收取$ 150.00的管理費。
- 不同學校提供的課程有所不同,有些學校不提供所有課程。所有日期和時間均可能更改。布萊斯學院保留因缺少足夠的註冊而隨時取消課程的權利。如果一門課程被撤回,學生將優先進入另一門課程或獲得全額退款。
- 夜校和夏季課程的學費可在課程開始前的90天內全額退還
- 在課程開始前的89-46天之間,將開具課程價值的100%的貸方通知單
- 在課程開始後的45天內,不會退款或退款
- 所有私人,半私人和私人復讀課程費用都需要在註冊時支付50%的押金;找到老師後,餘額將全額支付。私立,重複和半私立課程不獲保證,可能需要花費3周至3個月的時間
- 如果無法安排私人,半私人和私人重複課程,則已付的50%押金將全額退還。